We are pleased to provide an update on our plans to re-open Language Centers across the USA and Canada. See the latest on our news page!
Our diverse selection of English programs provide options for every student and situation.

This language course will prepare you for academic success. The comprehensive curriculum is designed to include all aspects of academic communication to ensure you are comfortable in any setting on a college or university campus.
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The ELS Semi-Intensive English program helps strengthen your English communication skills in the classroom, then allows you time to absorb your surroundings and practice your new skills.
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Vacation English
The ELS Vacation English- American Explorer course allows you to improve your English proficiency in a casual learning environment. The structure of the course includes English courses in the morning and free time in the afternoon and evening.

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Discover what university is right for you.
We have relationships with 650+ universities around the world. You can apply for conditional admission before you have mastered English, and once you have graduated from ELS, you can enter the university of your choice.
Every ELS class is important to me. We speak and develop our language skills and grammar. All my life I thought I was very good in grammar because I was in my country. Now, I learned something new because my experience here was bigger than in my country.
Tatiana - Vacation English student at ELS New York, Russia